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Best 5 ways to stay engaged with your customers during a pandemic


Let’s be honest. No one prepares their business for something like this; unless you’re Alex Jones. But for all us small businesses, this is no laughing matter. There are things we must still pay for - employees, loans, rent costs, insurance, inventory . . . you get the picture. It isn’t easy staying top of mind with our customers, especially during a time of crisis. Here’s five ways you can reach your clients right now.

1. Change your message

It’s no surprise that people enjoy happy thoughts and messages, and your marketing should too. Empathize with everyone - you’re not the only one who is concerned. If you’re doing any advertising now, then think about what you are saying and why. A small change in your messaging to reach your customers where they emotionally are at can go a long way. If you’re not advertising, look at your current owned media (like websites, social content, blogs, etc) and see how it can appeal to everyone right now during this time of need.

2. Reach out to your community

I think this is an obvious one, but sometimes things hiding in plain sight can be the hardest to notice. Social distancing can make it difficult for most businesses - but the upside is that you know exactly where your customers are: at home. It’s time to find a way to broadcast to your community, and there’s no better way like social media. Most social media platforms prioritize live video, so that’s always a good start. Find a topic, tips, and hints of your industry, specials you are doing right now and how to get the service, and of course mention a way your business is supporting your local area and how they can be a part of a community-driven positive message.

3. Partner with other companies

Reach out to other companies and see what they’re doing to stay active in today’s business market. As a business owner, we all know how important it can be to collaborate. Maybe you can partner with a local delivery company to bring goods to people’s doors, or even a local credit union to help with gift cards to help stay afloat during this low-traffic season. Even large companies like GrubHub are helping stimulate small businesses and help get their goods to your customer’s doors. Can you do curbside delivery with your product? Could your service be scheduled for a future date? Even possibly with an incentive from both you and another company you are collaborating with? It’s time to hold hands and work together to overcome this virus.

4. Try new marketing strategies

Wherever your business is in your marketing quest, there are probably new ways to market yourself to your potential customers. Have you tried email marketing? With so many people at home, there is an increased chance for individuals reading their email and checking their emails and messaging platforms. Try to find an avenue you haven’t pursued well or even at all. Maybe you could do some print marketing or door hangers to reach homeowners that are working remote. If you already have a database of information on previous customers, try using a text service like Textedly or SlickText. The only thing that is certain is that people are listening, and they typically have more time on their hands. Find a different way to market than how you have been and get creative.

5. Stay positive

There is virtually nothing more damaging than having a bad attitude. Keep your messaging and branding optimistic. If you say good things, then so will your customers; and if your customers say good things about you, then your business will have more success. Everyone enjoys happy vibes, thoughts, and feels. One of the few perks to this situation is that YOU can be the happy vibe, YOU can be the happy thought, and YOU can be the business that makes a difference that everyone else will feel. Stay positive with everything you say and do, because trust me, it will make a huge difference. 

We’re all in this together, and together we are strong. Support your local companies, support your local artists, and stay optimistic. You can do this.

Austin Townend