The Iliad Blog

Iliad Media Group Iliad Media Group

Sending Boise a virtual high five

When I wrote the outline for this post last week, my intention was to write 5 relevant tips for local businesses. But after a long day working through our Boost Idaho Businesses campaign, I've decided to shift my message. Here are five wonderful things I got to encounter today.

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Iliad Media Group Iliad Media Group

Best 5 ways to stay engaged with your customers during a pandemic

Let’s be honest. No one prepares their business for something like this; unless you’re Alex Jones. But for all us small businesses, this is no laughing matter. There are things we must still pay for - employees, loans, rent costs, insurance, inventory . . . you get the picture. It isn’t easy staying top of mind with our customers, especially during a time of crisis. Here’s five ways you can reach your clients right now.

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