Sending Boise a virtual high five

When I wrote the outline for this post last week, my intention was to write 5 relevant tips for local businesses. But after a long day working through our Boost Idaho Businesses campaign, I've decided to shift my message. Here are five wonderful things I got to encounter today:

  1. An auto mechanic offering free labor to all medical, police, and fire personnel for a month.

  2. A nutrition shop raising money to bring wellness meals to hospital workers.  That money is being donated by people in our community, so they can deliver these meals.

  3. Business owners asking how they can pay it forward in our community and help raise awareness on behalf of other businesses. 

  4. Countless messages about how we can see the good in our current circumstances by staying home with our families and enjoying simple pleasures and comforts. 

  5. And, in my own family, a selfless pass on an anticipated birthday present so that there is more for everyone to enjoy and be taken care of.

It was a long work day, but I feel blessed for this day of hard work and for feeling the truest sense of community I have felt in a long time.

With gratitude,

Kristin Lowman


But are they listening?


The times, they really are a changin’. What does that mean for my business?