The Types of Audio Marketing, Which are Useful, and Which are Essential


That’s the projected CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of the global earbud & headphone market. 

For the full year of 2022, the market was worth $22.3 billion. A 7.9% CAGR would have it at 35.2 billion by 2028.

People are listening. A lot. And it’s why audio marketing is still in its infancy of popularity.

Look around you the next time you have half a day out running errands, seeing friends, bar crawling, whatever it is. Notice how frequently you see earbuds or headphones. Convenience, quality of available content, and personalization are just a few reasons why audio content is so gripping to modern consumers.

But, audio is admittedly a vague word. What kinds of audio? Serving what purpose? And do they all yield the same engagement results? All that, and more, coming right up.


It’s buzzy and en vogue, and even if you don’t listen to any, odds are you get 2-7 people a week talking to you about one of their favorite recent episodes.

Podcasts offer two ways to market yourself on them: 1) paying the program to endorse or advertise your product or service, or 2) starting your own podcast through which you can market your company. The second route is likely trickier - the line between meaningful marketing and heavy-handed self-importance can be fine - but it can give you much more control in your marketing.

Forbes - How to Start Your Own Podcast

Younger consumers tend to engage more with podcasts, but there is one thing to be mindful of - people can fast forward through ads much easier in the podcast realm, compared to, say, our next domain.


Is it the shiny new toy in the advertising playpen? Nope…and it doesn’t need to be, given its sterling track record. The recent data on listenership flies in the face of those who have implied radio is dead. It still dominates share of ear, and remains extremely trustworthy.

Advertising is even more potent on local radio, because the community will link the businesses they learn about, with the shows, music, and local on-air talent they love.

The power of a good jingle alone can make radio a customer-gaining giant. It’s an easy way to be remembered, and with proper repetition, turn your business into a bona fide go-to for local consumers.

One thing you’ll want to be sure of when hitting the airwaves - who are you doing business with (AKA who owns these radio stations), and who is creating the advertising copy? If you feel you have sufficient creative chops, be sure to study tactics, formatting, and audience targeting before even daring to pen a script. Some useful high-level advice can also be found here.

Audiobooks & eBooks

Making your own way might be an optional marketing route in podcasts - for audiobooks and ebooks, it’s a must. 

The great benefit to creating an audiobook or ebook is the role gated content. Essentially, you can have your audience exchange their basic info, for access to your material. This not only provides them something of substance rather than a standalone blog post, but you also get vital ingredients for an email list, informative demographic info, and more!

This path optimizes your marketing through repurposing. All those standalone blog posts, social interactions, webinars, and more? That’s gold! To not repurpose all of it into a concise, digestible one-stop-shop that is an ebook, is to commit an awful form of waste.

Be mindful, however, of simply copying and pasting. Use your key points just the same, but ensure they all flow together in the longer piece.

Voice Search

Siri. Alexa. Google Assistant. And who knows what else to come.

Voice search is rapidly transforming the digital landscape, making its mark as a potent tool in the realm of audio marketing. As voice-enabled devices like smart speakers and virtual assistants become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, the significance of voice search cannot be overstated.

Audio marketing through voice search presents a unique opportunity for businesses to engage their audience in a more conversational and natural way. By optimizing content for voice search, brands can not only enhance their online visibility but also create a more personalized and interactive experience for users.

The success of audio marketing through voice search hinges on understanding user intent. Unlike traditional text-based searches, voice search queries tend to be longer and more conversational. Marketers need to adapt by tailoring their content to answer questions and provide solutions in a concise, conversational manner. This approach requires a deep understanding of the audience and the nuances of spoken language.

Moreover, voice search can be a powerful tool for local businesses. Leveraging geo-targeted keywords and optimizing for "near me" searches can help brick-and-mortar stores attract more foot traffic and boost their digital presence.

However, it's crucial to strike a balance between audio marketing and respecting user privacy. As voice search raises concerns about data security, brands must be transparent and ethical in their collection and usage of customer data.

The Best Audio Marketing in Boise

As the owners of the top-rated radio stations in Boise, and a Boise-centric podcast app, we pride ourselves in being well-versed in all things audio. And there’s no more enjoyable result from it, than helping our local businesses be found. So if your operation wants to enjoy booming sales and top-of-mind awareness, it’d make our week to learn your story, so the entire Treasure Valley can too. Our smart, fun, and caring team awaits, so let’s chat!


Twin Falls Radio, Advertising, Marketing, & Business - November 2023