Iliad Media Group

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2022 ISBA Awards: The Best Small Business Marketing Strategy is Creative Copy

The Idaho State Broadcasting Association just privately announced its three finalists for the 2022 “Best in Broadcasting” Local Commercial Production: Best Commercial award and Iliad Media Group is thrilled and honored to be one of them!

We wanted to highlight our spot to show small businesses what makes powerful creative content - on and off the radio - and why it moves prospective customers to act.

Here are a few words to just ponder as you take in the radio spot, and envision how it can be parlayed in other advertising mediums: Sense of urgency. Authenticity. Humor. Let’s go

Meet one of the finalists - “Game Show” by… well, us!

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Game Show :60 Iliad Media Group

Setting the scene is a hallmark of any great story regardless of length. And we’ve already established how and why we love stories.

Notice in this spot how quickly it becomes clear we are being placed somewhere, a scenario with which 99% of us are familiar (a game show).

This is particularly effective when wanting to employ humor. The audience quickly knows something funny is about to happen - they just don’t know what (small tip - if the audience has a sense of the punchline or payoff, you’re in trouble). This is how you keep them interested until the true, real-life payoff that is the CTA, or call to action.

Best Way to Advertise in Boise? Get Passionate.

On a more subtle note, listen to how a sense of urgency is created with “There really is no better time than now to advertise your business on the radio”. This rings even more true as the Treasure Valley continues its rise as one of the fastest-growing regions in America.

Finally, one of the easiest things an ad can bring that so many are lacking - raw energy. It just beckons people, and takes them out of the morning traffic jam or noisy kids’ chorus, and straight into what you are selling. Energy is infectious, so as long it’s paired with the right content, your consumers will come to you with it.

Weaving the utility of a product or service seamlessly into a funny sketch is a sure-fire way to get remembered, whether via radio, website, or social. We had fun with this one, and while the recognition is great, the spot could only happen due to the many successes and extensive growth of our clients.

Same goes for this radio ad that highlights the importance of a business being heard. The best product, customer service or budget management in the world means nothing if people don’t know about you. It’s a lesson we have seen time and time again in our years working with small business owners, and wanted to create an ad that echoed it.

The Best Small Business Advertising Starts on the Radio…and Goes Beyond

The ISBA chose well. These three radio ads beautifully display the power of good creative. And Iliad Media Group has harnessed that same power into other digital channels, ensuring that whenever someone hears about your business on radio, they can find you online, and be compelled to buy. It’s a beautiful cycle that has taken time for us to perfect… but its rewards have already proven to be fruitful, with a client recently enjoying their time on Shark Tank.

We’re in a seismic shift in advertising that can be described by the word “content”, or more specifically, multi-platform, authentic, engaging content. Getting consumers’ attention has never been more competitive. So if you, a friend, or family member has a small business that wants to stand tall above the competition, we know just the solution: having a chat with us and exploring what our top-rated radio stations & dynamic digital presence can do to increase business sales.

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