The Iliad Blog

What Makes World-Class Business Copy?

I posit that it’s not our attention spans getting shorter; it’s all that is in dogged pursuit of them. This is why great copy must, for whatever reason, stop people. In their tracks, out of their train of thought, and into your subject.

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Top 5 for GA4: The Benefits of Google Analytics in 2023.

Google Analytics can help you gain vital data about your business, your website, and most importantly, your customers. Best of all, it’s not even you that has to do the intense focusing. It’s a tool.

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What Not to do on Your Business Website

In the 21st century, the website is to business as New Year’s Calling was to romance. And just like many bachelors were surely committing a plethora of errors over a beautiful coffee table that would now fetch upwards of $20k on Antiques Roadshow, many businesses are making catastrophic errors on their website. The bachelors didn’t get the girl, and the businesses, don’t get the customer.

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Festive Revenue: The Best Holiday Advertising Ideas for Local Businesses

2021 saw record-shattering numbers in retail sales alone. And even despite fears of a recession, Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales for 2022 were respectable at worst, shockingly high at best. Bottom line, no matter the size of your business or operation, the holidays are a consumer party you do not want to miss out on. So let’s discuss what you can do to ensure you take full advantage.

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